Clinics and Services

Asthma Check

All asthmatics should attend at least annually, even if well, to ensure they are using their devices correctly and that their symptoms have not changed since their last review.

Baby Clinic

These are held on a Tuesday afternoon. All babies should have an 8 week developmental assessment, which is carried out by a doctor. Immunisations are given by the Practice Nurse. The Health Visitor is also available for checks, weighing and advice for your baby.


All patients with non-insulin diabetes not seen regularly at hospital have a full check-up and assessment in surgery annually. Patients are usually called up during their birthday month.


Your GP can refer you to the dietician who gives advice on disease related diets and weight loss. Weight checks also take place as a follow up to weight reduction diets as advised by the dietician.

Health Promotion

Advice is available on avoidance and management of coronary heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure. We can also provide advice on lowering cholesterol and healthy eating.

Influenza Vaccinations

We usually offer appointments from September each year.  The vaccination is available for patients over 65 years and those with any of these chronic conditions: asthma, cancer, chronic lung disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, immuno-suppressed, liver disease, stroke, living in a nursing home or are a carer for any of the above, or you are pregnant. If you do not fall into any of these categories and would like to vaccinated against ‘flu, there is a charge of £20.

Maternity Services

Please see a GP for your first ante-natal appointment. You will then be referred for your hospital booking. You can also discuss pre-conception care. A post-natal check will be carried out 6 weeks after.

New Patient Checks

All newly registered patients who have certain chronic diseases are given a full check up by the Healthcare Assistant.


Blood tests are carried out on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. The practice offers Blood tests to patients who meet a specific criteria and you will need to be referred by your GP for this service.

Smoking Cessation

Patients who want to give up smoking can make an appointment with our Healthcare Assistant, who can give help and support through this process.

Well Woman/Family Planning

Breast examination education, cervical smear tests and a full range of contraceptive care and advice (except contraceptive implants).